Year Five | Special Needs Photography

I don’t recall exactly how my client found me, but I am so glad that she did. This is year five of photo sessions together and I look forward to seeing their smiling faces each time. I remember the first time I met them. We had a 9 a.m. session scheduled and they traveled with four kids all the way from Palm Springs. When they got out of the car, every one was bright-eyed and full of smiles. I still don’t know what they eat for breakfast, but I want whatever it is. Year after year, this is the scenario. They jump out of the car all smiles and giggles. I mentioned four kids, right?

We have met up at a variety of places like Citrus State Historic Park, Riley’s Farm, and Prospect Park. This year, we needed to do a background that we had not used. Another client of mine suggested that I check out the University of Redlands. What I found was a campus full of amazing old-school university type buildings. This would be the perfect backdrop. I love this background so much, that I have done three other sessions there this fall – so don’t be surprised when you see the next blog post.

Anyways, at the end of each session, mom whips out a bag of dum dum lollipops and the kids go to town. This is also a tradition at our sessions and one that will probably carry on for a long time.


special needs photographyredlands photographeryear fivespecial needs photography