Mermaid Princess | Victoria Beach

So when a client says that she has a mermaid princess tutu and wants to have her 3-year-old daughter photographed near a castle on the beach, the answer on my end is always, “WHEN?!?!” It didn’t matter that my client was quite a distance from Victoria Beach in Laguna. I actually didn’t care either. My imagination just went wild.

Since I had never been to Victoria Beach, I scoured the internet and talked to friends about the location. The trickiest part was going to be working around the tides. So we watched the tide report and picked our day. Well, apparently the tide report was not accurate for that day. We were  making a run for it across the parts of the beach that were left to get to the castle area. Little brother even got splashed by a huge wave that crashed over one of the walls!

But it was an adventure! I love how these special images came out. When I shared these with my client, I told her how I have a special place that I take my daughter every year for her annual portrait. Each year becomes more involved and after 4 years of doing it, it has become our special thing. I suggested that my client might want to start this tradition with her daughter at the beach with a castle. She loved the idea.

Take a peek. Brother and sister came along for the session so we were able to create beautiful images of them also. I will drive far and dodge the tides for a session like this any day.


victoria beachvictoria beachvictoria beachvictoria beach