Turning One!

One minute I am meeting a brand new and beautiful baby girl, I blink and now I am photographing her 1 year portraits! How could this possibly be? I know this sounds cliche, but it just goes too fast. Before we realize what is happening, the teeny tiny phase passes. We blink and they are cooing. We blink again and they are sitting up. We blink again and they are crawling. And on and on and on. The changes are fast and astounding in that first year old life that it is always my great joy to preserve the memories of these milestones for families. This is why I do what I do. {Yes, I’m a little sappy with this post. Please bear with me.}

If I remember correctly, I photographed her when she was about 7 or 8 days old – so petite and perfect.

A whole year late, I find that she is still petite but that she carries a vibrant, funny and oh so adorable personality! Her curiosity and range of expressions were just delightful to play with and capture. What a difference a year makes. Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of ‘book-ending’ her year.