2015 Senior | Senior Photographer

I honestly can’t remember how old she was when I first photographed her. I think she was maybe eight years old? Then I saw her again with her family when she was fourteen to celebrate her braces coming off! So I was understandably happy when I was asked to commemorate her high school graduation. If I am still around when she gets married, then it will have come full circle.

Having young children of my own and watching the world around me, I am often concerned how I will help keep their heads faced in the right direction. How will I keep them humble, confident, and grounded? How will I keep them motivated and dedicated? I am not sure of the answers to these questions, but I have hope that it is possible.

This darling young lady was a sweetheart way back when I first met her. From what I have seen, her head is screwed on correctly. When I was trying to get her comfortable in a pose, I asked her “If you were standing there without me here, what would you do with your hands?” She replied with a laugh, “I don’t know. I usually have a stack of books in my arms.” Doesn’t that say a lot about where her focus is? Doesn’t that speak to her determination to finish the job well? And even though she was quietly confident, she was not too proud to still ask for feedback or help from her mom. She is a gorgeous girl, yet she is still humble, confident and grounded.

Congratulations on both her academic and personal accomplishments. Such a pleasure.


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