He asked. She said yes. Lucky guy.
Here are some fun facts about these two.
- They first met in college through mutual friends.
- Sonja is a die-hard Yankees fan, and Dave is not. But they do enjoy going to any sort of sporting event together.
- They share a taste for Vietnamese food and you are likely to find them at Comic Con, Disneyland or the beach.
- They both hope to have at least 2 children.
- Sonja’s really dislikes it when people leave their stuff all over the place. Heads up, Dave!
If you know Sonja or Dave, we’d love for you to share a funny story or a sweet memory of them right here on the bloggie. Just keep it clean, the comments will be moderated before being posted.
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As a side note, Sonja is my cousin and it will be my honor and privilege to photographer her wedding. Love you girl!