It’s been a long time since we had family photos

How long has it been since you’ve had family photos?

This session was booked as a senior session for her son, but then she told me that she wanted a few family photos also. I told her this was not a problem and that I can easily work in photos of everyone. This mom admitted that her kids were just toddlers when their last family photos were taken, and now her oldest is graduating! Holy cow! That is just too long. Luckily, she saw my special that I ran in January and decided that she could not pass it up. And I assured her that we could get everyone in the picture that day.

This family was hilarious. They kept each other laughing, created some awesome awkward poses which I should have captured, and just basically had a good time with it. They were so fun to work with. I think I laughed for the whole session.


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