Category Archives: Family


Family at the Big Tree

One of my favorite things to discover is when my past clients have spoken well of me to a potential new client. That is how this session came to be. I am thrilled that my clients would take the time to share their experiences with others, but it also puts a little pressure on me…

Overcast Day Portraits

A lot of people think that bright sunny days are the best days to photograph. Depending on what you are photographing and where you are photographing, this could be true. I tend to enjoy the slightly overcast days to photograph my portrait sessions especially if there isn’t any open shade. Hazy days actually make my…

University of Redlands | Family Portraits

When I am looking for a great location in the eastern Inland Empire, I can always count on Kristen! She introduced me to Prospect Park in Redlands. This year, she brought me to the University of Redlands for their family portraits. Wow. I just love the classic university buildings and campus. It is absolutely gorgeous….

Year Five | Special Needs Photography

I don’t recall exactly how my client found me, but I am so glad that she did. This is year five of photo sessions together and I look forward to seeing their smiling faces each time. I remember the first time I met them. We had a 9 a.m. session scheduled and they traveled with…