Before you look around at the photos from this engagement session, I have to give you a little back story. I have known Suzanne for about 12 years. At that time, I was a small group leader for a high school bible study and she was one of the awesome girls in my group. She was so special to me that I had asked her and another sweet girl to do readings at MY wedding.
Fast forward 12 years. She contacted me a handful of months back out of the blue to ask me about possibly photographing her wedding! I just about fell on the floor because she is still that 15-16 year old girl in my head. She could not possibly be as grown up as she is now sounding. What happened in all those years when I did not hear from her. Well, she grew up. Has a great job. Met a WONDERFUL and sweet man (who I have only met a couple times now, but I can tell he is equally as kindhearted as she).
And now, I have the honor and pleasure of photographing her wedding. I just love this girl and I have warned her that I will probably be teary eyed during the days events, but I believe that will help me truly capture their hearts and create an amazing tangible memory for them.
Without any more blah blah, click on the image below to see what fun we had at the engagement session at the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles. And then leave them some below.